Sunday, November 22, 2009

Maybe I'll Pack This Nano Up

As I usually do in November, I've been participating in Nanowrimo.  You might not know this except for the status widget temporarily living in my side bar, because I haven't really been talking about it.  There's so much stressful stuff going on in my life this time around that I wanted this one to fairly light, low emotional investment compared to some year, and most importantly, be eminently bailable.

It's gone OK for the most part.  The story's been pretty fun and there haven't been any angst puppies.  But, then a non-writing problem came up.  If you're reading this in November, see the block of red where 3 days were short and two didn't get any writing at all?  Well, that's when what was supposed to be a squeeful indulgence of buying a fancy new sewing machine turned into a complete fiasco that took a ton of my mental energy and a significant amount of time (including taking off of work early one day) to sort out.  It's still not settled, but it has settled down and right now I think it'll come out well, but it took a lot of footwork on my part for that to happen.

So now I'm about 5,000 words behind.  That is absolutely overcomeable.  In the past there have been times I wrote that much in a single day.  In 2007, there were several times I did that much in a single day.  But you know what?  I just don't want to.

I'm just not feeling the love.  The story's fine, there's nothing I want to do different.  I'm not unhappy with it.  I'm just not feeling it.  The part I'm doing now ought to be the good part.  My main characters have been kidnapped by terrorists and they're in the midst of the exciting death defying escape complete with crawling through Jeffries tubes and spouting technobabble, and once they escape the civil war will start, and it all ought to be cool.  This is the part I was looking forward to writing.  But now I just want to get it over with.

More importantly, I don't want to spend my vacation doing this.  (Apparently I want to spend my vacation crazy quilting, which isn't the easiest thing with the sewing machine fiasco, but that's beside the point.)

Before I pack it up completely, I think I'm going to start playing with another story.  If my muse goes nuts on the new, or goes "No, I do want to finish Emily and the Emperor", then great, we'll do it.  If that's not happening either, then that's fine, too.  Nowhere is it written that I must bat 1000 every time in everything.

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